Poindexter is a social media platform for book lovers, allowing users to share books they've read so others can borrow them. The application also helps users keep track of the books they've read. Additionally, users can comment on and rate books after returning them to the owner. To facilitate this, the owner can mark a book as publicly available or archive it.
With this project, I aimed to practice building a full-stack application using Java Spring Boot and Angular, along with a database. I ensured the application’s security using Spring Security and JWT Token Authentication. I also integrated an email service and dockerized the application's components for easier management. Additionally, I ensured a well-structured REST API using Swagger, as well as a responsive design.
Tailwind CSS + SCSS
OpenAPI Generator for Angular
Java Spring Boot
Spring Security
Spring Data JPA
OpenAPI and Swagger UI Documentation
JWT Token Authentication
Other tools
GitHub Actions
Set up CI/CD pipelines for both the client and server using GitHub Actions
Created REST API documentation using Swagger
Dockerized the database, server, and client, with published Docker images for the client and server
Client was deployed on Vercel