Spotify Clone

Spotify Clone

Spotify Clone

Spotify Clone


With this application, I aimed to practice handling audio files while continuing to work with Java Spring Boot, Angular, and a database. Additionally, I integrated the third-party service Auth0 for OAuth 2.0 authentication. After logging in, users can upload songs, listen to them, and save them to their favorites. The application also features a search function for finding songs. Overall, the application draws inspiration from popular streaming services like Spotify, providing a similar user experience in terms of functionality and design.



  • Angular

  • HTML

  • CSS + SCSS


  • Java Spring Boot

  • OpenAPI and Swagger UI Documentation

Other tools

  • Docker

  • PostgreSQL

  • Auth0


  • Created REST API documentation using Swagger

  • Auth0 as OAuth 2.0 authentication

  • Dockerized the database

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