Real-time Chat

Real-time Chat

Real-time Chat

Real-time Chat


The goal of implementing this application was to practice live communication using the WebSocket protocol. This type of application is a valuable skill to have, which is why I chose to develop it. Users can join a chat room and exchange messages in real-time with other users who are online. The application supports seamless, live interactions, making it ideal for scenarios requiring instant communication. This experience allowed me to gain hands-on expertise in real-time data transmission and WebSocket integration.

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  • JavaScript

  • HTML

  • CSS


  • Java Spring Boot

  • WebSocket

Other tools

  • Docker

  • MongoDB


  • Dockerized the database

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I’m Bartosz — a creative software engineer based in Copenhagen

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©2024 to ∞

I’m Bartosz — a creative software engineer based in Copenhagen

Just imagine your dream project

I got you covered

©2024 to ∞

I’m Bartosz — a creative software engineer based in Copenhagen

Just imagine your dream project

I got you covered

©2024 to ∞