Airbnb Clone

Airbnb Clone

Airbnb Clone

Airbnb Clone


Airbnb Clone, as the name suggests, is my attempt to replicate the popular service for booking accommodations for travel and trips. In this application, users can log in and book a room of their choice for a specific period. Users can also add their own accommodations for rent, including uploading photos and providing details. Additionally, the app features a commenting option, allowing users to leave reviews about the accommodations. This way, users take on the roles of both tenants and landlords, managing their bookings and property listings within the application.

Once again, this project is the result of my practice with Java Spring Boot and Angular, combined with a connection to a relational database, PostgreSQL. Additionally, I integrated OAuth2 authentication using the third-party service Auth0. This integration enhances the security of user authentication and authorization by leveraging Auth0's robust and scalable authentication solutions. The project showcases my ability to implement modern authentication mechanisms while working with a full-stack application and managing data with a relational database.



  • Angular

  • HTML

  • CSS + SCSS


  • Java Spring Boot

  • OpenAPI and Swagger UI Documentation

Other tools

  • Docker

  • PostgreSQL

  • Auth0


  • Created REST API documentation using Swagger

  • Auth0 as OAuth 2.0 authentication

  • Dockerized the database

Next project

I’m Bartosz — a creative software engineer based in Copenhagen

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I’m Bartosz — a creative software engineer based in Copenhagen

Just imagine your dream project

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©2024 to ∞

I’m Bartosz — a creative software engineer based in Copenhagen

Just imagine your dream project

I got you covered

©2024 to ∞